Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 1--The Beginning of a New Life.

I'm really new to the whole "blogging" process, so please bare with me if I ramble on. I guess a good place to start is to explain why I've decided to do a blog. The main reason why I've decided to blog is to keep track of my weight loss and to maybe gain some support of loved ones and friends. Its really embarrassing to me to say that I'm 100+ pounds over weight...

I woke up one day and didn't recognize the person in the mirror. I know that sounds really cliche' but it was a life changing moment for me. Right now, it sickens me to think of what I've become. I have no self confidence, or self esteem. I think people are constantly judging me because of my weight, and I really don't feel like I can truly connect with someone because I always hold myself back. I'm scared of failure and rejection, and I honestly think my weight is the main root cause of all of my self doubting and self loathing problems.

I really hope to gain more self discipline and a stronger will from this entire process [not to mention I'd really like to rock a pair of skinny jeans ;])

During my weight loss journey I am going to blog everyday, even if its only a couple of sentences or song lyrics or pictures that have impacted me that day.
I'm also keeping a weight loss journal, where I'm going to count calories and write down food intake etc.
My mother and I are going to be walking at Freeman Lake in E-town every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (around 1:15 at the Ring Rd. side...if y'all want to permitting...of course)
I also plain on walking in Hodgenville at the Creek Front on Tuesdays and Thursdays (cause knowing me...if I take even a small break, I wont get back in to walking...its all or nothing right now)

I'm really excited about my up and coming change, I just need to stay positive and motivated. I really hope I haven't rambled on too much.


  1. Good luck, Daniyellow. <3 You got this!
    I'm so proud of you for taking a proactive stance on your life :D

  2. Hey-- I love the purpose of this blog! I'm on my own journey of this type as well, and it's not easy but it's worth it! I'd love to go walking with you all sometime.

  3. Emily! you should totally come out with us one day!

  4. You are going to do great! I lost about 25 lbs last year & am working on another 10 or so right now. There were a lot of blogs & websites that help keep me motivated. It really does help to know other people with the same goals. Let me know if you want some links :-)

  5. i'd LOVE to have those links. i've been searching for some sites, but they haven't really been that helpful. thank you!

  6. First: You are absolutely beautiful already! Second: I will support this journey of yours (as I can stand to lose a few lbs myself)...
    Third: I would also like to go walking with you!
    Fourth: I'm so glad you are blogging! Now I don't have to Facebook stalk you anymore :)
