Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 7-- Ugh.

Well, I guess I spoke too soon about losing 10 pounds. I weighed myself this morning and I'm up 2. I know that's totally normal to fluctuate, but jeez... I'm sure its just extra water weight from all of the water I've been drinking. Its just a little discouraging. =/ Today made me realize that losing all of this weight is gonna be easier said than done. OH WELL, I'm probably just freaking out over something little like I usually do. I need to learn out to stress less.


  1. I've been meditating the past couple of months to help me with my spiritual awareness, it does provide you with much clarity as well as removes stress and anxiety, I think you could benefit from it, also tai chi is an excellent way to increase energy and provide you with a calmness.

  2. How frequently are you weighing yourself? You shouldn't be doing it everyday! That is just discouraging.

  3. I've really been wanting to try yoga. I got a beginners DVD. I'll look to see if they have a Tai Chi one too. I've tried meditation, it takes A LOT of practice. My problem is when I try to relax my mind goes a million miles a minute and won't stop.

    I have been weighing myself everyday, just to see the progress, but you are right it is very discouraging. Maybe just like twice a week? Once at the beginning and once at the end?

  4. you should look into a meditation drumming cd or something like that way you can focus your mind on the music, its hard for me to do it in a quiet environment I need something to focus on, or if you are a more visual person you could envision something like an apple how its skin looks, how red it is, just focusing on the beauty of it.

    Check out some tai chi on youtube that way you don't have to purchase and you can see if you dig it. I discounted it for the longest time thinking it was gay but recently gave it a shot and i'm blown away by how I can actually feel my energy building from it, it is great for weight loss done regularly and its low impact on the bod.

    weighing yourself one at the beginning of the week and once at the end makes more sense also this is going to sound gross but you should try to go to the bathroom and cleanse yourself before you weigh, also don't forget to include whatever clothes or shoes you might be wearing at the time.
